Thursday 26 May 2016

WMB IIB Interview Questions

1. Brief Introduction

 They are expecting detailed introduction like the nodes used etc.

2.Diffrence and usage of XMLNSC and XMLNS domains
Ans: XMLNSC is used for Validation and consumes low memory 
     XMLNS is not much smarter compare to XMLNSC and consumes more memory(Ex:         for new lines in XML message it \n after every element)

3. Imagine the input is 3000 bytes long and CWF format. inside which an xml is coming,  How do you access 5th field in XML.
Ans : we can use DFDL for this kind of scenarios.

4. Difference between Database and Compute node  and steps in accessing a DB.
Ans : Major Differences are
Compute node : can create a new message for what ever format you want.
b.You can pass the local environment tree to set the properties dynamically.
Database node :
a.Reverse of above points :)

DB Connectivity:
For Both node DataSource property is mandatory if you are connecting to DB.

a.We need to configure our broker to DB by using mqsi commands
b.Create Data source(ODBC) available in Control panel just search with name Data source in start of Windows machine.
c. Provide all the necesassary details, and click on Test Button if it success then we are good here.
d.Now we need to configure our broker with created Datasource using mqsisetdbparms command we need to set the user name and password check whether DB is connected to broker or not we will mqsicvp command
g.then stop and start the Broker. 
h.provide the same dataSource name in the node level property.  

7. How do access second last child element in the xml.

Ans:  Field [<2] indicates last but one element.

9. When you have a field and its attribute with the same, the target should require only the attribute value, how do you access it?

they mean to say for eg:  < Folder1 Item ='ABCDE'>
                        <Item> 12345 </Item>

Ans : Inorder to access Attribute you should specify as

      SET AttrValue = InputRooot.XMLNSC.Folder1.(XMLNSC.Attribute) Item ;

10. How do you make a variable available across\multiple messages,.

   Ans: Variable scoping, use external variable, which will be availble across messages and to the entire life of the flow.

11. If the failure terminal of the compute node is connected to a queue, where do you look for the error message.
Ans : We can check the Error message in queue

12. For loop Syntax

FOR correlation_name AS field_reference DO


13. when a HTTp and SOAP nodes are used ? 
Ans : Firstly this is specific to the project requirement.
      If backend provided the wsdl to call their service will go with SOAP nodes
      If backemd are using Policy Sets then we will go with SOAP nodes(i.e WS-
    HTTP: If the backend wants you to send you message apart from XML then we 
          can HTTP request node

15. what is your scope in the project and how many flows you have developed

16. Difference between Propagate and propagate None statements

17. Diffrence between MQMD and RFH headers

18. If 100 requests are coming and 100 responses are getting inturn how do you match them

Ans : Correlation Id.

21. How do you come out of  a loop.

Ans : we can use LEAVE statement for this.

22. What are the available options with prapogatestatement.
Ans : 
23. Difference between Propagate delete none and propagate .which statement would you be using in a loop( for, while) and why.

24. What is difference and common thing between tag delimeter and tag delimeter with fixed length.

25. Explain a scenario where in the source system says they have sent the message where as the target system claims that it didn't receive.Explain the steps you take in this case.

26. how will you split the message

27. Expalin a scenario where in, you have used file o file, explain the business and the nodes used.

28. What will you do if a file is not received by the target.

29. Types of exceptions and how do you handle them

30. Broker log paths in unix and Windows

31. How do you access a field value , in a case where both the field name and attribute name is same. and which function you will use for the same.

32.when target system expects a null value for a field then what will you use.

33. When the = if returns null what will happen or what will be the value for output root.

1) What are the advantages of MQ CLUSTER?
2) How can we achieve High Availability/Failover by clustering Queue managers?
3) Should Message Flows be designed as stateless, what do you recommend while designing message flow?
4) What are Globally Coordinated Transactions, How do you achieve it?
 5) How can MQ Load balancing be achieved without using MQ Clusters?
6) What are the different levels of security that can be implemented on Web services, explain?
7) Please explain where can a message set be validated other than input nodes?
8) What are the different options to connect to Database from Message Broker?
9) How do you configure ODBC and JDBC connectivity to a Database from Message Broker?
10) What are the nodes that support JDBC Connectivity?
11) Can Database Retrieve node be used to call Stored Procedure using JDBC Connectivity?
12) which among the following would you prefer to use esql compute nodes or Java Compute nodes and why
13) Overview of Publish/Subscribe topology
14) Is it advisable to use Message Flow Transactions always?
15) How do you increase throughput of a message flow?
16) Which is recommended a) using additional instances of a message flow in the same execution group or b) allocating one copy of the message flow to each of many execution groups?

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