Wednesday, 26 May 2021

IBM FTM - Financial transaction Manager interview questions Basics

 1. what is PT wrapper, how channels will be select in PTWrapper.

2. how select channel subflow works on what bases it will select the channel what all the tables data will insert when PT log is done

4.from where your event will trigger for the first time

5. what are the parameters u passed in event from ur action

6.what is begin mapper and endmapper how it works

7.what is ISF message what it contents

8.what is batch and transaction 

9. what is state , transtion and event

10. how ur object filter works

11.what is the use master object query

12.what all the components contains in congfig

13. what is service particient and involded parties ur RSA and IIB will connect

15.what is business concept what is the role u will loopback in FSM

17.what is classification

18.if something went wrong of the action how ur FSM will behave what will happen with particular state in FSM

19.what ur FSM and CONFIG scripts contains

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